Staying healthy while building fitness is something most people don’t pay much attention. This often results in workout injuries and it’s a common reason to visit a physiotherapist.
Want to learn more about how to build your fitness the right way and stay safe at the gym?
A correct push-up requires that you maintain rigid alignment from your heels to your hips and all the way to your shoulders—you should be able to draw a straight line from your ankle to the top of your head. Once you can maintain proper alignment in a static position, then you can add small movements like lifting your hand off the ground, before moving on to a full push-up.
If you have a weak core, you’re going to have trouble maintaining proper body alignment during a push-up. This will either cause you to drop your hips to the floor, or you’ll overcompensate by pressing your weight back and diving your hips into the air is if you were pressing into a downward dog. Either way, it will break the biomechanical chain which connects the upper and lower body.
Physiotherapy can help to heal most of the gym injuries. Our specialist physiotherapists are experts in the field.
Sit-ups or Curl ups are powerful, dynamic exercises for your abdominals and hip flexors. With correct form, these are fun and safe exercises to add to your routine.
Sit-ups use your abs to roll your body up off the ground and your hip flexors to complete the full movement. This is a great core exercise that can be done with little or no equipment. If you fail to lower your upper back all the way to the ground after each rep, your abs only achieve isometric contractions, which is a tightening of the muscle without any movement.
To lessen the strain on your lower back, keep it pressed into the ground and your torso and spine in a C-shape. Some people tuck their neck when doing sit-ups, but if this is uncomfortable for you, keep your cervical spine in a neutral position by maintaining space between your sternum and your chin.
Physiotherapy can help to heal most of the gym injuries. Our specialist physiotherapists are experts in the field.
Consult a physiotherapist today,
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